Take over the Quality of Experience in a Triple-Play Environment.
Triple-Play services accustomed your customers to watch TV and surf the Web at the same time, while calling another person. Furthermore, they expect a service free of any degradation or side-effect. Your brand reputation and revenues depend on it: controlling the Quality delivered is the only way to keep your customers satisfied and loyal.
However, doing so while coping with side-effects (resulting of the simultaneous use of various services) is a complex task. The difficulty of controlling the Quality delivered is also increased tenfold by the abundance of services, devices and operators in the delivery chain—a chain that you don’t necessarily own.
The need for Quality control, and the “unmanaged network” situation have pushed Witbe for the last fifteen years to develop and improve a unique User-Centric Technology for Triple-Play Services, perfect for Test & Validation phases or for Monitoring tasks.
Internet, Video, Voice: Unified Tests, Consolidated Results
As Triple-Play, Witbe Technologies propose a unified offer. Whether you are monitoring your network or testing and validating gateways, Witbe Technology is an integrated suite, from tests to results. The Witbe Workbench allows you to develop habitual End-User’s actions tests for all your services, as well as planning them & setting the alerting. The Witbe Central System alerts you to any relevant incidents on your services delivery, and reports automatically the results on a unified Portal for further analysis. Furthermore, benefit from the comparisons feature to correlate your Service Usage and your Revenues.
Base your Monitoring and your Alerting on Real End-Users Perception Testing
The Witbe Technologies provides you with quantified knowledge thanks to the measure of Quality as it is perceived by your End-Users. Those measures are made by three unique algorithms: Witbe Video MOS, Audio PESQ Tests, and the Witbe SmartPing. Witbe Video Mean Opinion Score (MOS) analyzes the actual picture delivered to the End-User without any reference footage. This algorithm checks the presence of visible artefacts such as blockiness, blurriness and jerkiness, and scores the overall quality, modeling human visual systems. The Audio PESQ Tests comply with the existing standards, while offering long duration tests to fully measure your Voice services quality–MOS-LQON (ITU-T P.862.1, P.862.2) & ST-MOS (ETSI EG 202 765-2).
For Internet Services, Witbe has developed SmartPing©, a patented Technology to map the bottlenecks of your delivery infrastructure, even in unmanaged networks. You can now pinpoint which nodes are responsible for critical impact on the quality. You can also monitor the Availability, the Performance, and the Efficiency of the network routes taken for services delivery (in addition to visualize them).
Cope with the Side-Effects
Triple-Play is more than the addition of three services: your users expect to use them simultaneously, without any service degradation. To ensure such an overall quality of services, Witbe Technologies allow you to correlate all your measures (Internet / Video / Voice / Network Performance) to precisely detect & quantify these side-effects. You can now determine in which conditions Voices services deteriorate, or jerkiness / blockiness appear on the video contents of your VOD store front. You now have everything you need to offer your customers flawless Triple-Play services.