How Sodexo ensures a good quality for their internal applications
As a multinational company located in 64 countries, Sodexo’s internal infrastructure can be very complicated to monitor. We interviewed Mr. Florent Trécourt – Global Network & Telecom Director at Sodexo - to know how Sodexo manages to ensure a good Quality of Experience (QoE) of their internal services.
What challenges does Sodexo face when monitoring your internal services?
Sodexo has many internal services and applications to monitor - from their video conferencing system to their security system - while ensuring that they can be accessed from any countries they are in. In the past, Sodexo was relying on basic Quality of Service (QoS) tools to ensure that their infrastructure was up and running. However, they ran into some limitations: tools that are reporting up-and-running services and users who are reporting deteriorated applications. This is even more impactful when considering a service like video conferencing. While a website taking 10 extra milliseconds to load because there is a problem on the infrastructure is not very noticeable, losing the audio in the middle of a meeting can generate a lot of frustration.
Witbe is a different approach that takes the system as a whole to provide a technical answer to complex problems
Why did you change the way you are monitoring your services?
Because previous monitoring tools did not have the notion of a degraded quality, Sodexo needed to find a way to monitor their services just like the users were experiencing it. “QoS does not answer problems of quality, latency or deterioration” said Mr. Florent Trécourt. “Witbe is a different approach that takes the system as a whole to provide a technical answer to complex problems.” Indeed, as Mr. Trécourt said, the user's quality of experience is a subject that is a lot more complex than what classic QoS monitoring tools can handle. If you’re interested in seeing what we can see by using the Witbe technology, read our latest snapshot in which we compared the 4 major video conferencing platforms.
[ Witbe ] gives us a lot of visibility on the status of our services, which in turn allows us to be more efficient in identifying where the issues come from and solving them
What is your situation now?
Today, Witbe is deployed in Sodexo’s principal data center and the main offices in France, Asia, and the United States. Because Witbe consistently monitors the services, Sodexo can know exactly what happens with their services at any point in time. When an incident occurs, they can see it instantly and explain why it occurred. “Witbe is a product with a lot of value for operations teams”, commented Mr. Florent Trécourt. “It gives us a lot of visibility on the status of our services, which in turn allows us to be more efficient in identifying where the issues come from and solving them.”